University College London Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH)
About the Hospital
The University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH) operates six hospitals in the heart of London, all of which are equipped to deliver exceptional acute and specialised care.
Although the University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has only been around since 1994, its roots go back more than 250 years and lie in the history of a number of different individual hospitals. Some of these hospitals are now included in the Trust, while others have ceased operations.
The Care Quality Commission in the UK has awarded UCLH with a rating of Good.
The Trust is one of the largest NHS trusts in the United Kingdom, offering acute and specialised care of the highest possible quality. The following hospitals are included in the University College London Health network:
University College Hospital
In October of 2005, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II presided over the official opening of University College Hospital. University College Hospital is a brand modern hospital with state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technology. Its location on Euston Road, adjacent to the Warren Street and Euston Square Tube stations, makes it one of the most desirable medical destinations in all of London. The Euston railway station can be reached on foot in a short amount of time.
University College Hospital provides a variety of medical services, including accident and emergency care, a hyper-acute stroke unit, cancer care, critical care, endocrinology, general surgery, ophthalmology, dermatology, general medicine, general neurology, rheumatology, orthopaedics, paediatric and adolescent care, and urology.
Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine
The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine (RLHIM) is a centre for evidence-based practice, teaching, and research focusing on chronic and complicated medical diseases. Its purpose is to provide a person-centred, holistic approach, including self-care, to assist those with chronic and severe medical illnesses to live well and feel better.
In its pursuit of optimal health and well-being, the hospital takes into account the whole individual and surrounding environment. In order to accomplish this, the hospital provides:
Lifestyle guidelines.
Medical, physical, and psychological treatment.
Guidance on the safe and effective use of complementary therapies.
RLHIM also promotes self-strategies that patients can continue using after discharge.
Royal National ENT and Eastman Dental Hospitals
In October 2019, the Royal National ENT Hospital and the Eastman Dental Hospital both opened their doors on Huntley Street. Dental, hearing, speech, and balance therapies are some of the specialties offered at this facility, which addresses disorders affecting the ear, nose, throat, and mouth.
National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery at Cleveland Street
National Hospital for Neurosurgery at Cleveland Street opened on April 4, 2016. The Trust constructed this fresh new facility to give a new home to its Pain Management Centre, which is a centre of excellence for those suffering from long-term pain for a significant amount of time. The centre spans two floors and is equipped with group rooms, clinic rooms for consultations, and operating rooms for medical procedures. In addition, the centre serves as the location for a number of multiple sclerosis clinics as well as outpatient visits for the National Prion Clinic.
Institute of Sport, Exercise and Health (ISEH)
At the Institute of Sport, Exercise and Health (ISEH), which is located on the second floor of 170 Tottenham Court Road, clinical teams from UCLH will provide treatment to patients who have sustained sports-related injuries.
The ISEH collaborates with leading health, academic, and sports organisations. These organisations include UCLH, UCL, the British Olympic Association, the English Institute of Sport, and the private hospital group HCA. These institutions have come together to offer patients the same level of care and expertise previously accessible only to elite athletes.
Hospital for Tropical Diseases
The Hospital for Tropical Diseases (HTD) is a specialised facility that is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of all tropical diseases, including those that affect the United Kingdom, including:
parasites and
diseases of the skin and eye, and gut
In addition to providing clinical infectious disease and general infection services for University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, HTD is also home to the National Travel Health Network and Centre and the Find and Treat programme.

Why should you choose Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust?
Flexible Working
The University College London Hospital (UCLH) recognises the benefits of flexible working for staff members and has a dedicated policy that allows staff members to apply for flexible work as soon as they begin employment.
Its employees are currently taking advantage of a wide variety of opportunities for flexible working arrangements, including the following:
Part-time working
Job sharing
Short-term, part-time working
Part-time hours before retirement
Compressed hours
Annualised hours
Remote working
Flexitime, and more
Staff Discounts
The Trust now has agreements in place with a variety of local and national merchants and service providers to provide discounts to Trust employees. Additional details are available on the UCLH staff intranet, which is referred to as myUCLH.
Other major systems that provide discounts are:
Staff benefits portal
NHS discounts
Salary sacrifice schemes and
Salary sacrifice schemes.
The Trust has two pension schemes for its staff:
NHS Pensions Scheme
National Employment Savings Trust (NEST)
The NHS pension system, which is usually considered one of the most favourable schemes for employees, is one of the schemes that UCLH participates in as a member organisation. If you are eligible for the NHS Pension, you will have the enrollment process completed for you automatically.
The Trust provides infant and child care at the UCLH nursery, which is known as the Mousehole Nursery. There are spots available for children as young as five months old and as old as five years. There is an option to sacrifice some of one's wage in order to pay for daycare or a nursery.
Learning and Development Opportunities
UCLH has made a commitment to provide its personnel with the resources necessary to meet all of their legal and professional obligations, including maintaining current knowledge and expertise, lowering the risk of injury to themselves, and protecting the well-being of our patients. In order to fulfil the same, the Trust offers in-house courses and programmes ranging from personal development, essential skills such as digital healthcare and quality improvement, leadership and management capability at all levels.

LIFE IN London
London is one of the world’s most visited cities, the city has something for everyone. From history and culture to great food and exceedingly good times. London has about 2000 years of history and is deeply cosmopolitan and exotic. It is a fact that one-third of Londoners were born overseas. With such diversity, London’s cultural dynamism makes it among the world’s most international cities.
Transportation Hub
London's public transport is considered as one of the best system in the world. Although the city has great roads and connectivity, London is the most walkable city on the planet. Trust us, there’s nothing better than a walk along the Thames.
The main source of public transport in London revolves around the Underground or the Tube as it is called by Londoners. This extensive network of 12 lines can get you to most places in the centre of the city quickly
The people outside the UK believe that the capital's transport system is one of the safest and most efficient public transport networks in the world. The Underground and the ever-cheerful London cabbie come in for particularly high praise.
Food & Drinks
London's food doesn't come any more traditional - or tasty - than good old pie and mash. The Londoners particularly love to have tea a lot.
Fish and chips are a delicious, fried dish that consists of batter-coated, fried fish and chips. This delightful yet straightforward meal originated in England and has become one of the most famous London foods. It is best served hot and is eaten as a main course – but you can find it as a take-away snack from food stalls around London.
The English Breakfast is one of the best London foods, and many cafes and pubs serve it at any time of the day.
The city has numerous eateries, restaurants and pubs that you find in every corner serving multiple cuisines from Mexican tortillas, Italian pastas, Indian kebabs, Chinese dishes to tasty Japanese sushi. Almost every street in the city has cafes and pubs that exuberates anyone and everyone.
London welcomes everyone and represents the cosmopolitan world, you will definitely find it as an extremely amazing place to live and add value to your lifestyle. Amazingly, the ‘Big Smoke’ is home to more than 270 nationalities and 300 languages.
The society of London is a multicultural society and the people are welcoming of every culture and creed.
The level of politeness among British people may surprise you at first as it’s certainly more prevalent than in some other countries. Don’t worry though because it’s easy to get used to; just say ‘thank you’ when someone has given you something or moved out of the way for you, ‘please’ when asking for something and ‘sorry’ should you bump into someone or inconvenience them slightly.
